In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Boulder Beer Company Sweaty Betty Blonde
Aroma: “Sulfur dominates up front, and gives way to a bright banana sweetness. Some bready, grainy wheat emerges, with some lemon and floral hops that begin to build as the beer warms. Not a lot of clove to be found.”
Flavor: “The wheat malt is like crackers, but with just a touch of bread. It’s creamy, with a bit of grainy astringency, but it’s not off-putting. Spicy hops with some lime and citrus, a tad high for a typical German hefeweizen. The clove is pleasant, with a trace of banana and cherry, low phenols, and a bit of sulfur. A nice, dry finish favors the hops, but not excessively.”
Overall: “The banana and fruit esters are a nod toward the Germans, but this beer stays on our side of the Atlantic. The wheat, spices, and light banana mix with the sulfur in the background. The flavor has a crisp hops finish, making this beer very crushable.”