In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Call to Arms Tennyson Standard

Aroma: “Nice light ester, perceived malt sweetness, some light floral-hops notes that are like peach blossom.”

Flavor: “Well-balanced with some upfront malt sweetness with a well-placed amount of bitterness to keep things in check. A touch of fruity yeast and hops-flavor complexity adds to some depth. Nice crisp finish with a perfect amount of carbonation. Quite palate cleansing.”

Overall: “A solid Kölsch offering that delivers on what it promises, nothing more and nothing less. Overall good attempt at the style, hits most of the expected notes. Somewhat polarizing—borders on blonde-ale territory, so some may find it less crisp and tight as they might like—but others will really enjoy it.”
