In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Exhibit 'A' Brewing Company The Cat’s Meow
Aroma: “Orange-pineapple smoothie, touch of lemon, melon, mango, grapefruit. Low pine resin/herbal character. Really nice sweetness, similar to cotton candy, comes through as you dig more into the aroma.”
Flavor: “Melon and mango dominate up front, then chewy and juicy with a strong orange and pineapple presence. Finishes with a softness typical of the style. Hops are complex but there’s slightly too much bitterness to let the rest of the ingredients shine through. Medium-intense fruit flavors from hops and esters.”
Overall: “Fun recipe. The aroma is spot on with this tropical and melon aroma that is really inviting. That carries through in the flavor, but the hops bitterness slightly overpowers the complexities offered in the aroma and upfront flavor. Enjoyable. I would order another pint.”