In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Sixpoint Brewery The Crisp
Aroma: “Fruity, sweet, resinous hop aroma with pils malt. Some lemon and grapefruit character. Creative and interesting. Needs more malt, but assertive.”
Flavor: “Aggressive citrus and berry hop flavors. Malt balance is clean and relatively neutral but slightly biscuity. High alpha hop character. Bitterness is crisp and lingering, assertive but not harsh.”
Overall: “An unusual hop choice for a pils, almost like an India Pale Lager. Hops hijack the flavor away from the pils malt and out of balance. This beer is a story about hops and a non-traditional interpretation of the style, more in the spirit of a pale ale than a pils. But it’s a very good pale lager.”