In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Casey Brewing and Blending The Cut: Peach (Red Haven)

Aroma: “The flesh of the peach comes through, with notes of peach pie, ripened peach, and some nuttiness. Tropical and earthy Brett funk is low-key and supports barnyard notes. Herbal notes and the lightest hint of sulfur. Cherry, strawberry, and grape esters, with mild malt and vanilla notes from the oak.”

Flavor: “Intense lactic sourness in the first sip that’s much more sour than expected but still allows the peach esters to shine through. Slight acetic character dances on top of the peach, and slight Brett funk adds complexity. Notes of peach pie and lemon, with tart wheat malt and sour fermentation. The oak character and the esters are stronger in the sip. The carbonation is perhaps too understated and could have brought out other subtleties.”

Overall: “Strong acidity and great Brett funk. The sweetness is more perceived from how juicy the fruit comes through, but it isn’t a sweet beer. Each sip brings in more peach flavor, as the tongue acclimates. A bit more carbonation would have elevated it further. Definitely a sipper.”
