In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Urban Artifact The Gadget

Aroma: “Blackberry fruitiness and raspberry sweetness, with a light tartness and jamminess that bring in an almost wine-like quality. Earthiness in the background from the blackberries; funk from wild fermentation is subdued. A hint of chocolate sweetness. Full and inviting.”

Flavor: “Dry blackberry, with jammy and juicy raspberries and a touch of sweetness on the back end. Earthiness, a limited amount of funk, and very low sweetness. The bitterness and tannic dryness come through moderately, with a nice hint of lemon that adds brightness and complexity. Rounded, smooth, with that note of chocolate and carbonation. The aftertaste is simple and doesn’t linger.”

Overall: “The blackberry is more earthy and in the background and works so well with the intensity of the raspberries. With the acidity and the tannins, it’s a little rough around the edges, but the fruity character, light body, and carbonation work. It’s a nice, straightforward balance.”
