In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Crux Fermentation Project Tough Love
Aroma: “Subtle blend of chocolate, roast, and vanilla with maybe some extra sweetness from chiles? Dark cherry and caramel, moderate sweet malt and leather notes, touch of kettle caramelization and coffee roast, a hint of smoke, and a touch of hops. Medium alcohol note especially as it starts to warm up.”
Flavor: “Rich malt profile: caramel and toffee grounded with roast malt and a spicy alcohol warmth. Fairly earthy. Milk chocolate with strong coffee and roast, moderate sweetness and dark caramel. Some hops backing for the roast bitterness. Medium smoke note up front and enough burn on the back of the throat to suggest chiles. The sweetness supports, and cuts through, the heat.”
Overall: “Pleasant sweeter stout with strong notes of chocolate, coffee, and vanilla and a hint of smoke character.”