In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Ballast Point Brewing Company Wahoo

Aroma: “Very interesting, unexpected spice aroma. Sweet background wheat with lemon, almost like lemon candy. Very faint and earthy hop notes. Nice floral coriander.”

Flavor: “Peppery phenolic notes. Some yeast character and coriander with a carbonic bite and some bitterness. Strong wheat graininess, but finishes crisp and clean. Balance is exceptional: fruity tartness is the prominent feature. Good blend of spice and earthy notes with creaminess from wheat malt.”

Overall: “An interesting take on the style. Crisp and refreshing. Excellent beer that accents both the wheat and lemon character well. Refreshing wit with nice balance of sweet and spice. This would pair really well with certain types of food, especially Cantonese.”
