In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Southern Tier Brewing Company Warlock

Aroma: “Caramelized brown sugar, toffee, and vanilla notes with subtle chocolate and cinnamon notes. Pumpkin is a bit subdued, but enhanced a bit with the caramel sweetness.”

Flavor: “Very strong and unique vanilla, caramelized brown sugar, crème brûlée flavor up front with cinnamon and pumpkin-pie spices coming through next, followed by subtle milk chocolate notes. The spices enhance the profile of this beer and complement the malt sweetness and the vanilla. Pumpkin is there, but more of a background.”

Overall: “The spice level is excellent and the base beer supports it well. Very enjoyable and unique. The flavors blend well, and the roast and vanilla character add good complexity. Nice caramel malt character and pumpkin notes with a fun spice character.”
