In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Utah Brewers Cooperative Wasatch Snap Down
Aroma: “Huge hops nose is like diving into a lush garden, with passionfruit, tangerine, and even some pineapple. Wonderfully bright, fruity hops flavors, with a touch of piney dankness that lets the fruity flavors take center stage.”
Flavor: “Same hops profile as the flavor, but with more emphasis on the citrus. The bitterness is much lower than expected, with some nice malt to balance that is detected more in the mouthfeel. Finishes dry without too much hops bite and just enough of the fruity flavors to entice you back for another sip.”
Overall: “A wonderfully crafted beer that does an excellent job of highlighting the hops and keeps all the other ingredients in the background. It could’ve used a bit more body and malt sweetness to amplify the hops characters. A refreshing IPL.”