In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan Weihenstephaner Original
Aroma: Light sulfur aroma followed by bready pils malt. Very low hop aroma, perhaps a whiff of floral hops. Noble hops balanced by pils malt, cut with a light apple cider note. Clean lager profile.
Flavor: Crisp and assertive bitterness followed by smooth, slightly sweet malt. Fine, lively carbonation dances on the tongue. Light pils malt followed by a brisk flash of spicy hop flavors, then a light bitterness.
Overall: Well-balanced and classic, this is a fine Helles. Somewhat hop balanced, such a delicate beer should be enjoyed as fresh as possible. Light bodied and refreshing, a great beer for nearly any occasion. Well-brewed and executed with just the right amount of malt focus to make it appropriate for the style.