In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated


Left Hand Brewing Company Widdershins

Aroma: “Big aroma. Moderate resinous hops, strong caramel, touch of plum, moderate nutty, toffee, and vanilla, light floral, chocolate, and coconut, touch of roasty, hints of grapefruit and honey.”

Flavor: “The malt sweetness helps to drive this beer. Nice orange and citrus notes blend into the flavor but are not sharp. Moderate caramel sweetness, moderate-high resiny hops bitterness. Some vanilla. Finishes sweet but not too sweet with some slight oak tannins.”

Overall: “Very good—the malt is compelling and the hops come together nicely. Big malty barleywine, complex complementary oak characteristics and a moderate hops aroma and bitterness.”
