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5 Homebrewing Gifts That (Usually) Cost Less Than $100

Here are five ideas that are sure to please the homebrewers on your holiday list.

Dave Carpenter Nov 29, 2015 - 4 min read

5 Homebrewing Gifts That (Usually) Cost Less Than $100 Primary Image

The holidays are officially upon us, though one could easily be forgiven for thinking they’ve been upon us since mid-September. Some of us put off buying gifts until only a couple of days are left and then make up for our procrastination by doing our part to ensure the continued success of the overnight shipping industry. But if you like to get an early start, you may already be shopping for friends, family, and loved ones.

For the homebrewers on your list, here are five ideas for gifts that usually cost less than $100. If you shop around, you may even find them for considerably less.

1. Stir plate

To brew the best beer possible, yeast propagation really needs to be part of the equation. To that end, many of us rig up makeshift stir plates from old computer fans, magnets, cell phone chargers, and several rolls of duct tape. But a purpose-made stir plate is an affordable luxury that any hobby brewer would love to have. Look for a model that can handle 2 liters, which is the maximum size that most of us usually make. Larger plates can handle larger volumes, but of course, they come with a larger price tag. And don’t forget the stir bar!

2. Refractometer

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