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Editors’ Picks: Playing Games with Beer

The proliferation of time-wasting app games in recent years has inevitably included some related to beer. But are any worth playing? That depends entirely on how you value your time. We tried them out, so that you don’t have to.

Joe Stange , Jamie Bogner Jun 26, 2022 - 7 min read

Editors’ Picks: Playing Games with Beer Primary Image

Beer Sort

Android/Google Play & Apple Store. Free. Non- intrusive ads. Optional ads for in-game bonuses. (pictured above at left)

A glorified stacking game, Beer Sort uses the idea of different colored beer poured in glasses to add a new spin on the familiar format. Game play is somewhat basic—you can only pour beer on top of a beer of the same color, or into an empty glass—but the deeper you get, the harder it is to accomplish without watching an ad to add an empty glass to the board. The small size of the glasses in higher levels can make discerning color a chore for those like us with aging eyes. But figuring out the logic and order is oddly fulfilling, and the absurd names that the game applies to the blends (that feel randomly generated from a list of beer styles and terms) are entertaining in a hilariously frustrating way.

Dude, Where’s My Beer?

Steam. $14.99

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