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Homebrewing Tips: Destroy Chaos & Embrace Your Space

Do future-you a favor: Take the time to organize your brewing zone.

Drew Beechum May 9, 2021 - 3 min read

Homebrewing Tips: Destroy Chaos & Embrace Your Space Primary Image

One of the lasting lessons I learned from both my father and grandfather was not only the importance of keeping your tools accessible, but also of making sure they were accessible only to you. Each thrived in a workspace that was comprehensible only to them—they knew where everything was in the clutter. I battle exactly the same tendencies—though my desk would never let you know I was battling.

So, why fight the natural course of entropy?

I’ve spoken many times about reducing the level of hobby inertia in our lives. Modern life puts so many demands on all of us. Everywhere we turn, it’s another thing that needs doing before we can brew. “I need to clean the fermentor,” or “Ahhh, it’s 10 a.m. I’ve been feeding the dogs and family, and there’s no time to brew now!”

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