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Stainless Steel Is Forever: A Story of Well-Traveled Gear

Some brewhouses are forever, even if they don’t stay put—and more than a few have traveled their way around the country and even around the world. At each location, that unique set of equipment and the brewers who use it must form a connection that inevitably affects what we drink.

John M. Verive Feb 20, 2023 - 15 min read

Stainless Steel Is Forever: A Story of Well-Traveled Gear Primary Image

Bunkhouse’s installation of the Beraplan brewhouse that has traveled from Germany to Japan to Illinois and now Montana. Photo: Courtesy Bunkhouse

It was a sweltering day in Bozeman, Montana, when the trucks showed up to the construction site for Bunkhouse Brewery’s new location. On board was a used brewing system that would be the center of the tasting room, and the gear had made a long overland journey from Destihl Brewery in Normal, Illinois. However, the toughest part of the journey would prove to be the last few meters across the parking lot.

“It took some creative rigging,” Bunkhouse head brewer Alex Chocholousek says, “but we got it off the truck.” The 30-foot-long mass of stainless steel was difficult to maneuver, and it began to sink into the sun-softened asphalt of the parking lot. After hours of finesse, the brewhouse trundled through the roll-up door with just an inch to spare.

That was only the most recent stop for the 10-hectoliter brewhouse that had been built at Beraplan in Munich, Germany, almost 30 years earlier.

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