Tip of the Week: Preparing to Evaluate Beer

Here are some tips on preparing your palate and your environment for a successful beer tasting.

Generic Brand Human Apr 10, 2018 - 1 min read

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The best way to approach beer evaluation is to take what you expect from a beer and compare it to what it expresses and then decide whether or not you like it.

To do this, you need to set yourself up for success in tasting the beer by:

  • Clearing your palate with a sip of coffee or some bland starch such as crackers
  • Controlling your environment by limiting drafts and ambient aromas

In Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine’s online course, Introduction to Evaluating Beer, Josh Weikert covers the ins and outs of beer evaluation and shows you how to become a better brewer through learning to evaluate beer—both yours and that of other brewers. Sign up today!