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3 Ways to Brew Better Beer with Fruit

Don’t be afraid to experiment with fruit in your own beer.

Dave Carpenter Oct 16, 2015 - 5 min read

3 Ways to Brew Better Beer with Fruit Primary Image

I’m going to say two words, and I want you to tell me what comes to mind. Don’t take time to think about it; just go with your gut reaction. Ready? Okay, here it is.


I’m no mind reader, but I suspect your response falls into one of two broad categories, illustrated by the following statements:

  1. From Dry Dock Apricot Blonde and Funkwerks Raspberry Provincial to Bell’s Cherry Stout and New Glarus Raspberry Tart, there are some nicely balanced, well-respected fruit beers out there, not to mention the many excellent krieks and framboises of Belgium.
  2. Gross. I hate fruit beer.

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