Video Tip: Grist and Mash Choices for Mixed-Culture Farmhouse Beers

Crooked Stave’s saisons get a mix of grains meant to contribute to the texture and feed the yeast and bacteria during extended secondary fermentations. Founder and brewmaster Chad Yakobson explains the reasoning.

Video Tip: Dialing in Mouthfeel and Bitterness in Brett Saisons

Crooked Stave founder and brewmaster Chad Yakobson explains how you can adjust grist, pH, and hopping levels for various mouthfeel and flavor outcomes in farmhouse-inspired beers with Brettanomyces.

Video Tip: Traditional and Agricultural Inspirations for Contemporary Saisons

In this clip from his video course, Crooked Stave founder and brewmaster Chad Yakobson discusses the background of the saison-brewing tradition and how it can inform our creativity today.

Video Tip: Exploring the Wider Potential of Hops, Saison, and Brett

Brewing saisons with Brettanomyces offers an enticing opportunity to fully embrace Noble and Noble-esque hops, including newer varieties such as Adeena and Loral and later kettle additions to encourage biotransformation. Crooked Stave founder and brewmaster Chad Yakobson breaks down some possibilities.

Video Course: Chad Yakobson’s Guide to Brewing Saisons and Wild Beers with Brett

Crooked Stave founder and brewmaster Chad Yakobson, one of the industry’s foremost experts on Brettanomyces, leads this in-depth course on brewing and fermenting funky, farmhouse-inspired beers.

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