In this clip from their video course, Dovetail cofounder Hagen Dost explains how they keep sulfur dioxide (SO2) under control, and how they use attenuation to determine when to do a diacetyl rest and when to transfer to lagering tanks.
Why bother with decoction? In this clip, Hagen Dost of Dovetail in Chicago explains the mash process for their Franconian-inspired Lager—as well as how to adjust a decoction regime to get the Maillard reactions and intensity of malt flavor you want in your own lagers.
Hagen Dost and Bill Wesselink, owner-brewers at Dovetail in Chicago, go into detail on how they adjust their local water and rebuild it for brewing, with divergent approaches to lager and hefeweizen.
From design to decoction to coolship to cellar, Dovetail owners and master brewers Hagen Dost and Bill Wesselink dig into the details of how they produce their acclaimed lager, Kölsch, and weissbier.
Dovetail cofounders and master brewers Bill Wesselink and Hagen Dost explain the benefits of using a coolship for an initial cooling stage before chilling—solids drop out, DMS precursors waft away, and hops can add a burst of aroma.