Jester Goldman

Jester Goldman

Facing (Beer) Judgment

Homebrew competitions offer the chance to get honest unbiased feedback on your beer. Here are 3 things to remember when you consider entering your beer in a competition.

Spassmacher Kölsch Recipe

Clear, clean, and beautiful in the glass, Jester Goldman’s pale golden Kölsch is a graceful dance of hops, malt, and mild ester in your mouth.

Take Control of Your Fermentation

A chest freezer and a dual-stage controller can give homebrewers the environmental control needed to brew lagers in August and saisons in February.

Homebrewing a Kölsch

Kölsch is the ideal style to reach for when you need to recharge your taste buds with a lighter, refreshing beer.

Succumb to Smoke: The Art of Brewing a Balanced Rauchbier

Jester Goldman’s first sip of a Rauchbier nearly discouraged him from ever trying the style again, but now it’s become a favorite style for him. Try it for yourself with Jester’s tips.