IPA continues to top the charts, but lagers made steady and significant gains in 2023.
Here are the best cities in the United States and around the world for drinking craft beer, according to our readers.
Pubs, bars, and cafés are crucial to the experience and community of craft beer and a vital link between maker and consumer. Here were your 20 favorites in 2022.
In our annual Readers’ Choice poll, here’s how you answered the question, “How do you prefer to buy your favorite craft beers?”
You voted on your favorite styles in our annual Readers’ Choice poll, and while IPA continues to top the charts, lagers made steady and significant gains in 2022.
Here are the favorites you picked in these homebrew-related categories.
Since any general “top breweries” list will inevitably slant toward those that make IPAs, we asked about your favorite beers and brewers in these eight specific style categories.
You voted, we tallied. Here are your favorite breweries, broken into categories by volume produced.
We asked for your favorite hops and malts you like to use for brewing, and you told us. Here are your 2020 Readers’ Choice picks for favorite ingredients.
What you love to buy and drink doesn’t necessarily correlate with what you prefer to make for yourself. In our Best in Beer 2020 Reader's Choice poll, here's what you said were your favorite styles to brew.