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Big Brew-topia

Big Brew occurs every year the first Saturday in May. Jester Goldman explores all the reasons it’s worth packing up your gear to go brew at the event.

Jester Goldman Apr 28, 2017 - 6 min read

Big Brew-topia Primary Image

Every holiday has its trappings. The Fourth of July has fireworks. Thanksgiving has turkey and football. For many people, Oktoberfest is the beer holiday, but there’s a better choice that celebrates homebrewed goodness. When Congress in 1988 declared May 7 as National Homebrew Day, it was a nice recognition of our hobby. Year after year, the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) honors this day with a worldwide Big Brew on the first Saturday in May (which is next Saturday, May 6).

Big Brew is a grassroots event. Each one may be organized by a homebrew club, a local homebrew shop, or any collection of spirited brewers. It’s a time for homebrewers to gather and brew together, sharing their experience and love of the hobby. The AHA offers tips and suggestions for hosting a Big Brew along with some recipe suggestions.

You might wonder why it’s worth packing up your gear to go brew. It all comes down to a single word:


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