BREWHA’s exclusive, patented design is comprised of just two vessels: a conical fermentor—we call it the 4-in-1—and an insert—that’s the Mash Colander. On brew day, you lower the Mash Colander into a fermentor to hold grain for mashing. To expand a brewery, all you need is more 4-in-1 fermentors. This is the only brewing system where the entire process—mashing, boiling, and fermenting—all occur directly in a conical fermentor. That saves space, time, and money, while also ensuring easy, chemical-free sanitation and best-tasting results.
The seven sizes of BIAC have helped hundreds of brewers fulfill their dreams. In these videos, three of those brewers describe how the BREWHA BIAC helped them to do what they love, and to be proud of it.
Steve Hollins in El Dorado, Wisconsin
Hollins is a homebrewer, and he has one fifteen gallon BIAC plus three additional 15 gallon 4-in-1 fermentors.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKZU3dIlv4E&rel=0
Tim Kramer and Colin Pistawka, Barn Owl Brewing in Kelowna, British Columbia
Barn Owl is a commercial brewery with one five-barrel BIAC plus five additional five-barrel 4-in-1 fermentors.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMlXFdeg2mc
Mark Henson and Doug Farrell, Skint Chestnut Brewing of Powder Springs, Georgia
Skint Chestnut is a commercial brewery with one seven-barrel BIAC plus three additional seven-barrel 4-in-1 fermentors.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sijnUbFy_E
For more information on how the BREWHA BIAC can help you do what you love and be proud of what you do, visit us at brewhaequipment.com or email us at [email protected].