Style: 14 IPA
Original Gravity (est): 1.064 ABV (est): 6.9%
Final Gravity (est): 1.012 IBU (est): 43
All Grain Recipe
- 9 lbs Pale Malt
- 1.25 lbs 30 L Crystal Malt
- .5 lbs Light Munich
- 1.25 oz Kent Golding (60 minutes)
- 1 oz Cascade (30 minutes)
- 1 oz Cascade (10 minutes)
- 1 oz Cascade (3 minutes)
- 1.5 oz Cascade (Dry Hop)
- Safale 56
Mash schedule: protein rest at 132-135F for 30′ with 1qt water/lb grain followed by saccharification rest at ~152F for 60′ with 1.5 qts water/lb grain. Boil for 90′ and add hops at various intervals. Ferment at about 65-68F. Add dry hops to secondary for 3-5 days at ~65F.