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Bridal Ales for Bride-Ales

Marriage celebrations certainly call for specially crafted beer and have throughout history.

Emily Hutto Jun 18, 2014 - 3 min read

Bridal Ales for Bride-Ales Primary Image

Best guess is that if you’re reading this post, you drank beer at a wedding recently, perhaps your own.

In one beer blog, Zythophile, Martyn Cornell explains that the word “bridal” comes from the 16th century Anglo-Saxon term brýd-ealo, or bride-ale. Ale, though, “was being used here in its secondary sense of ‘a festival or merry-meeting at which much ale was drunk,’” Cornell says.

Here are some craft beers that are bridal ales, some specifically brewed for modern day bride-ales. They also make great gifts for the bride and groom.

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