A Cicerone is a person who has completed the exams and requirements of the Cicerone Certification Program, a course of beer study founded by Ray Daniels in 2007. Daniels, a beer author, judge, and senior faculty member of the Siebel Institute of Technology, started the program to provide both the brewing and the hospitality industries with clear certifications indicating defined levels of knowledge in the selection and proper service of fine beer. Daniels repurposed the word “cicerone” (pronounced sis-uh-rohn), a word meaning “docent” or a person who conducts others through museums or sightseeing tours, to refer to a person who conducts others through the world of fine beer. The primary certification, “Certified Beer Server,” requires fairly basic knowledge regarding beer production, popular beer styles, and proper storage and service. The secondary level, “Certified Cicerone,” is far more rigorous and delves more deeply into technical and historical aspects, beer styles and their variations, common beer flaws and off-flavors, tasting skills, food pairing, and more. The ultimate certification, called “Master Cicerone,” requires detailed knowledge of many aspects of brewing, as well as a superior understanding of all facets of the beverage in its varied forms. All levels require the passing of written exams, with the advanced levels including tasting exams and essays.

Although it is debatable whether the restaurant and hospitality industry should need specified “beer sommeliers,” the rapid rise of the craft beer culture has left a vacuum of knowledge among people studying alcoholic beverages. In theory, a “sommelier” is not just a wine steward; a properly trained sommelier should also be thoroughly familiar with all aspects of beer, sake, cocktails, and all other flavorful alcoholic beverages. The reality is somewhat different, however, and many sommeliers know little or nothing about beer, even after having gone through respected cooking schools or sommelier training programs. Daniels’ Cicerone certifications, which he has wisely trademarked, have therefore garnered growing popularity among beer distributors, salespeople, and those in the restaurant trade. Exams are administered throughout the United States on a regular basis, and as of early 2011 the exams had also been offered in Canada.