The Beer Judge Certification Program (Bjcp) is a US–based organization that certifies beer judges and sanctions beer competitions. It was founded in 1985 by the American Homebrewers Association in collaboration with the Home Wine and Beer Trade Association. Although the BJCP has been an independent organization since April 1995, its officers still collaborate with the American Homebrewers Association on various projects.
The BJCP is perhaps best known for its Style Guidelines, which break down beer into approximately 80 distinct styles and substyles. These guidelines were originally written by a BJCP committee, which has updated them several times. The BJCP Style Guidelines provide a detailed description for each listed beer substyle, as well as for various kinds of mead. They contain an explanation of the appropriate aroma, appearance, flavor, mouthfeel, and overall impression for each substyle and provide a number of measurable parameters, including bitterness color and alcoholic strength. The guidelines also name commercial examples of beers that exemplify each style. The BJCP Style Guidelines are used as reference tools by both brewers and beer judges. They are available on the BJCP website along with a large number of other judging and competition resources.
The website also contains information for those interested in completing the exam to become a BJCP Judge. The BJCP exam is written and combines short-answer questions, essay questions, and a tasting component. A BJCP Study Guide is available online to assist candidates in preparing for this exam. The website also provides a list of upcoming exams, which can be held anywhere that qualified BJCP members are available to administer and proctor the exam.
There are different certification levels that can be achieved within the BJCP. The basic levels are Recognized, Certified, National, Master, and Grand Master. Advancing from one level to the next requires a minimum grade on the BJCP exam, as well as a certain number of experience points, which are earned by judging competitions and by volunteering to assist with BJCP administration. There are currently more than 3,400 beer judges registered with the BJCP. Fewer than 40 people have accumulated the many years of experience and service required to reach the rank of Grand Master.
Hundreds of beer competitions are sanctioned by the BJCP every year and the number is steadily increasing. These competitions are run according to strict guidelines outlined in the BJCP Sanctioned Competition Handbook. The beers submitted must be judged against the Style Guidelines, and they must be judged blind. Although the BJCP was originally conceived to provide judges for homebrew competitions, since 2001 the organization has also sanctioned and supplied judges for an increasing number of commercial competitions. These include the Great American Beer Festival and the World Beer Cup, in which thousands of professionally brewed beers are entered and judged.
Beer Judge Certification Program.