Yuengling, David G., (1808–77) founded the Eagle Brewery in 1829, which was later renamed D. G. Yuengling & Son, currently the oldest brewery in the United States.

David Gottlob Yuengling’s birth name was Jüngling, but he anglicized it to Yuengling after emigrating to the United Stated in 1823 from his home in Aldingen, Germany. Aldingen is a small town located in Baden-Württemberg, in the southwest corner of Germany. He is believed to have been trained as a brewer before embarking for America when he was 25 years old.

After spending at least his first year in America in Reading and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, he eventually settled farther north in the coal regions of Schuylkill County in the town of Pottsville. There, he founded the Eagle Brewery on Centre Street in 1829, only to see it burn to the ground 2 years later. A second brewery was then built at the present site on Mahantongo Street.

Yuengling’s son Frederick joined his father at the brewery in 1873 and the name was changed to D. G. Yuengling & Son. Frederick was succeeded by his son, Frank, and in 1963, Frank’s sons Richard L. Yuengling and F. Dohrman Yuengling assumed the helm. In 1985, fifth-generation Richard L. Yuengling Jr bought the brewery from his father. Richard “Dick” Yuengling is the current (2010) president and owner. Dick Yuengling has four daughters, Jennifer, Sheryl, Wendy, and Deborah—and they all work at the Yuengling Brewery.