Beer-making is complex. There are a lot of opportunities for mistakes, up to the very moment when the beer goes through the draft line and into a glass. That’s why keeping lines clean is crucial for any brewery, bar, or restaurant that values the quality of their beers.
“Beer lines are the very last point of contact and the last point where something can go wrong,” says Michele Wonder, a Certified Cicerone and draft-services professional with Perfect Pour Services in Portland, Oregon. The company helps install, clean, and maintain systems for commercial and home clients.
“Brewers have worked exceedingly hard to ensure that the flavor of their beer and the integrity of their product is at the maximum, and it can really fall down on that last leg,” Wonder says. “A lot of brewers understand that, but a lot do not.”
Why Is Draft-Line Cleaning Important?
A dirty draft line won’t kill your customers—the alcohol will eliminate harmful bacteria that could make you ill—but a dirty draft line could kill your reputation because the unclean lines can dramatically affect flavor.
No matter how diligently a delicious beer is brewed, if it’s poured through a bad line, drinkers will notice. Lines are made of vinyl tubing. The porous material is subject to bacteria buildup, which often results in a vinegary, acidic taste. Diacetyl can also accrue in a dirty line, producing a buttery flavor that creates a slick texture.
“It’s just going to taste nasty,” Wonder says. “It tastes like old gym socks.”
Signs of a Dirty Line
Other than unwanted funky flavors, another indicator of an unclean line is a darkening opaqueness of the vinyl tubing. Buildup on external parts is another clue to look for; grime on the faucets and the keg couplers is a sign of a well-past-due cleaning.
How Often Should You Clean Draft Lines?
When it comes to line cleaning, the Brewers Association’s free downloadable Draught Beer Quality Manual “is the bible for draft cleaning,” Wonder says. The manual suggests a full line cleaning every two weeks. Wonder has customers who schedule one every four weeks. Smaller customers such as offices may do it every eight weeks. But she says any commercial business should not surpass the four-week mark.
“People wish that frequency of service was based on quantity of dispense, but that’s not the case,” she says. “There is product in the system whether it’s sitting there or whether it’s used on a regular basis.”
The Draught Beer Quality Manual suggests replacing lines every 12 to 18 months. But Wonder says when you regularly maintain the lines, they can last up to two to three years.
Also, be aware that the price of beer on a brewery’s or restaurant’s bill isn’t an indicator of whether the business prioritizes maintenance.
“We have lots of dive bars that clean on a very regular basis. I definitely know of some high-end places that do not clean at all,” she says. “Some of the finest five-star restaurants have the scariest kitchens you’ve ever seen.”
How to Properly Clean Draft Lines
Wonder says the optimal way to clean lines is with mechanical-action pumps that achieve better circulation and flow rates. Homebrewers can get away with pot soaking, pumping chemicals into the line, and letting it sit in a bucket of solution. Wonder suggests all commercial businesses use the mechanical-action method.
- To start, uncouple all the kegs. Use a towel and bucket to make sure no product gets on the kegs or the cooler floor.
- Drain all the beer from the system.
- Assuming a four-line system, attach line one to one side of a cleaning coupler and line two to the other side and create a loop in that line. Use another coupler that connects lines three and four.
- Remove the faucets with a spanner wrench. Disassemble the faucets and soak them in a bucket with PBW Liquid (an alkaline-safer cleaner) or Liquid Circulation Cleaner (LCC), a nonchlorinated caustic solution.
- Set up the mechanical pump. Put the input part into a bucket of water first. Connect line one to the first position in the tower.
- Add a jumper line that connects line two to line three and an outlet hose connected to line four. Begin pushing clean water through the system with the outlet hose draining into a sink or drain.
- Continue cycling until there is nothing but water going through the system.
- Now flush the line with PBW Liquid or LCC. Caustic solutions have specific dosing. The The Draught Beer Quality Manual suggests caustic solutions as the best practice for line cleaning, but Wonder says many people prefer using Powdered Brewery Wash (PBW). “It’s aces. I love it to death,” she says. “I use it all over my house; I use it all over the brewery. It doesn't have the need for such precision in dosing and can be handled by people with a lot less chemical experience.”
- Once ready, run the solution through the line until the output runs clear. Then you can begin recirculating the cleaning agent throughout the system by moving the output hose from the sink or drain into the bucket of cleaning solution to form a loop.
- While the circulation is happening, brush all the components, visually inspecting the soft parts, such as the coupling gaskets, for wear and tear. Replace parts as needed.
- After the solution is finished cycling, flush with multiple buckets of warm water to ensure no residual cleaning solution is left in the system.
- Reassemble the system.
- Once the system is retapped, pull all the water in the line through the tap until beer flows.
- Cheers!
The Sins of Draft-Line Cleaning
Be aware of these common mistakes in draft-line cleaning.
- Not recirculating for a long enough time.
- Not using the correct temperature for the cleaning chemicals. Water with PBW needs to be 120°F (49°C) and higher to be used most efficiently. Recirculating at that temperature isn’t necessary, but hot water is needed to mix the solution.
- Inaccurate dosing—especially with caustics. Wonder says a titration test to check the solution percentage is ideal for caustic. She has seen many professionals run a lot more or less than they need.
- Not giving enough time and attention to faucets and couplers.
- Using inferior hardware such as brass and copper-plating. Stainless-steel will pay for itself in the long run, she says.
Wonder also suggests keeping a cleaning log to have a record and accountability. She hopes that one day draft-line cleaning will be as transparent as health-department scores. The transparency will encourage everyone to maintain their systems and keep beer safe and delicious for customers.
“If you’re a brewer, remember that the draft line is the last thing that touches your beer. This is the last thing that can mess up your beer,” Wonder says. “It’s super-important, and beer drinkers are becoming much more aware of this. It’s something you can’t take a shortcut on.”
To learn more, contact Five Star Chemicals.