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Get Your Pumpkin On: Our Favorite Pumpkin Beers of 2016 (so far)

We’ve put together a list of the 10 most interesting—and tasty—pumpkin beers of 2016. Put on your sweater, dust off your beer koozie, and pour yourself a pint!

Libby Murphy Sep 22, 2016 - 4 min read

Get Your Pumpkin On: Our Favorite Pumpkin Beers of 2016 (so far) Primary Image

If you’ve been to the beer store lately, surely you’ve noticed that it’s the time of year where we have pumpkin beer up to our tonsils. Some of us put on our Charlie Brown T-shirts and cheerfully fill up one or two make-your-own six-packs, while others throw garlic and holy water at the cooler (the latter group might want to avert their eyes for the rest of this article).

For the former group, get out your #2 pencils, and let’s make a shopping list!


Wicked Weed Brewing (Asheville, North Carolina)

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