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Homebrew Disaster Relief

The only thing better than learning from your mistakes is to learn from someone else’s mistakes.

Dave Carpenter Jun 8, 2014 - 4 min read

Homebrew Disaster Relief Primary Image

In the premiere issue of Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine®, Dave Carpenter got the lowdown on what not to do from avid homebrewer Lorena Evans.

It happens to all of us. You take your eyes off the boil kettle just long enough to weigh out the first hop addition only to turn around and find wort boiling over and down the side of the kettle. Trust me, you do this only once.

From wort-covered stoves to ceilings painted with beer, we’ve all suffered our share of homebrew disasters. Fortunately, it’s only (only!?) beer, and one of homebrewing’s many pleasures is the repeated opportunity to improve and learn. And even accomplished brewers aren’t immune to mistakes.

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