Video: Hops Storage

When you take a few precautions to keep your stored hops in tip-top shape, they’ll reward you all year long . . . and beyond.

Generic Brand Human Dec 29, 2016 - 1 min read

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Hops can be stored almost indefinitely if you remember three key points:

  • Keep hops away from oxygen
  • Keep hops away from light
  • Keep hops cold

Given these considerations, the ideal storage environment for your hops is in oxygen-barrier vacuum bags (such as they come in) in the freezer. When you take these precautions to keep your hops in tip-top shape, they’ll reward you all year long . . . and beyond.

From science to history to implementation, join Josh Weikert as he helps you build better hopped beers in Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine’s online course, Hops: How to Best Use the Spice of Beer. Sign up today.