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How Clean Is Your Glassware?

Here are 3 easy tests to help you check how clean your glasses are and 3 steps you can take to improve your regimen if you need to.

Dave Carpenter Nov 1, 2015 - 5 min read

How Clean Is Your Glassware? Primary Image

We all go to incredible lengths to keep our brewing equipment clean and sanitary. From day one, it’s hammered into us that homebrewing is mostly janitorial work, with some occasional beer-related tasks interspersed between rounds of cleaning.

Then why is it that so few of us pay attention to how we clean our glassware? Up until a couple of years ago, I always just blindly reached for the nearest pint glass in the cupboard and put it in the dishwasher when I was done. And sometimes I still do.

But our beer really does deserve better, and when you’re using a fancy glass to serve an expensive beer, it really makes a difference. So how do you know whether your glassware is clean? Three easy tests can help you check that your regimen is up to par.

Check for lacing.

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