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Labeling Your Homebrew

Here’s how to get your label creations onto bottles.

Dave Carpenter Oct 30, 2015 - 4 min read

Labeling Your Homebrew Primary Image

For some homebrewers, personalizing bottles is as much a labor of love as brewing the beer itself. I’ve seen a great number of impressive beer bottle labels that are testaments to the creative skills of the brewers who design them. I am, unfortunately, not one of those brewers (it’s not about disinterest, but rather a dearth of talent).

I probably bottle about half the beer I brew, and the vast majority of those bottles receive little more than a few swipes of the Sharpie on the crown cap to indicate what’s inside. But, every so often, I want to class up a batch to give as gifts or lay down for later. In these cases, I take the time to make real labels for my bottles of homebrew.

Designing label art is a discipline unto itself, and I’m definitely not the person to speak authoritatively on perspective, complementary colors, typography, or other aspects of bottle artwork. I can, however, suggest how to get those creations onto bottles. Today’s homebrewers can choose from several excellent options.

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