Subscriber Exclusive

Lean Machine: First Lager Ale Created

What does this Lager Ale mean for craft beer?

Feb 14, 2014 - 1 min read

Lean Machine: First Lager Ale Created Primary Image

Lean Machine, as described on their website, is “a sport recovery, low calorie, FIT BEER.” In the long line off low calorie beers, Lean Machine has achieved the lowest count, but can you call it beer -- with an ABV of 0.5%, seven vitamins, and seven grams of protein? And being called ”Lager Ale” makes no sense. Obviously a Lager is not an Ale, and a sport recovery drink is not a beer. Though combining the two is impressive, we’ll have to see whether consumers buy into it. If you do preorder Lean Machine, you will also be given Shares in the company, receive exclusive offerings, product presales, and much more. What that “more" could be depends on whether Lean Machine will have enough funds to back its production. Read more.

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