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Orange Appeal

Here’s all you need to know to figure out which orange peel to buy for your next Belgian witbier.

Dave Carpenter Mar 9, 2015 - 4 min read

Orange Appeal Primary Image

As I write this, yet another winter storm is delivering sleet, snow, freezing rain, and cold from New Mexico to New England. But you must believe me when I say this: Spring is just around the corner.

Perhaps not this week, perhaps not even this month, but spring will come. And when that first mild, patio-worthy day finally arrives, you’re going to want to have a refreshing homebrew that fits the forecast. It’s time to plan for that day.

One of my very favorite styles for spring is classic Belgian witbier, a key ingredient of which is orange peel. But I avoided brewing wits for a long time for one simple reason: I could never figure out which orange peel to buy.

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