Packaging Manufacturer Offers Up the Goods—For Free

Serving up quality beer and craft beverages means not only having the right people in the right place, but also having the right tools to get the job done efficiently and effectively.

Packaging Manufacturer Offers Up the Goods—For Free Primary Image

Packaging equipment is a necessity and something that Codi Manufacturing has been continuously improving for over 30 years.

However, not all things are created equal, and that sentiment also applies to your packaging equipment. The can-packaging equipment market is flooded with different options—all boasting the same spiel, that they are the ultimate solution to your can-packaging needs.

While Codi will admit to making the same claims, they actually have the structures in place to back it up—and not just with quality, tested, tried-and-true packaging solutions.

Instant Support, No Gimmicks

At the root of all things equipment is the capability to successfully support the brewery and the brewer when sh*t hits the fan.

The team at Codi knows that when it comes to operating any machine, wear and tear is just a part of the game. Being prepared to support the customer at a moment’s notice is a key element that sets Codi Manufacturing apart from the competition.

At the beginning of 2023, Codi launched its all-new Customer Service Center portal. After months of R&D, the Service Team at Codi began to overhaul this portal on the main Codi website,

Jake Weesner, lead operator/trainer and Codi service technician extraordinaire (above), puts it simply: “The improvements to our service portal were not only necessary, but long awaited.”

The team began recording tutorial videos—led mainly by the entertaining ingenuity of Weesner himself—that fully disclosed the different ways to troubleshoot a multitude of common problems that occur during packaging. “The glass ceiling of the current customer portal was fast approaching, and we were not about to limit ourselves nor shortchange our customers,” Weesner says in a recent blog post. “As a team, we decided the service portal needed to be an entity of its own.”

The new Customer Service Center portal features unlimited information solely dedicated to troubleshooting, further training, and chat forums to help customers and fellow industry alums connect, solve problems, and continue packaging at an improved rate of success—all at your fingertips, and all for FREE.

“The biggest difference in having [the Codi Service Center] as its own entity is there is no sales pitches, no marketing gimmicks, no social media jargon—just a space to access the information that gets the customer to package their product at the highest level,” Weesner says.

And, get this: The Codi Service Center will soon feature an online ordering option to allow customers to simply “add to cart” the parts and components your brewery or beverage production facility needs to continue operating at optimal performance with even less down time.

This ability is unique to Codi Manufacturing, as they are the only can-packaging equipment manufacturer that is not only independently owned, but 100 percent based in the U.S.A. With an all-new, 100,000–square foot facility located in Littleton, Colorado, Codi has expanded their shop to accommodate the production and manufacturing of more than 95 percent of the parts and components used in their full packaging lines.

“Yeah, We Do That.”

Curious to know more? Codi will be bringing a depalletizer, PakTech, 55-cpm can filler, labelizer, cartoner, and more to the Craft Brewers Conference in Nashville this year. Be sure to add Booth No. 125 to your agenda where you can chat with the Codi team—not only about the dedicated service and support, but also learn how this U.S.-based company embodies a customer-centric approach to manufacture the highest quality can-packaging systems and solutions that allow for the ultimate success.

Because, as Codi COO Jared Jones puts it, “Yeah, we do that.”

You can learn more about the Codi Service Center, how it works, and what kinds of positive changes are being implemented by checking out Jake Weesner’s original blog post at

Already a customer? Killer! Join more than 500 customers already using the portal by logging in to to create your account.

“We would love nothing more than to offer each customer the tools to succeed,” Weesner says, “but more importantly, the confidence to know how to manage your line and the equipment you run. Independence is priceless in our field, and we strive to get your team there!”