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There’s more to running a successful beer bar than just having a killer tap list. This week on the podcast is Greg Engert, the beer director and managing partner for Neighborhood Restaurant Group in Washington D.C. which includes The Sovereign, Churchkey, and Birch and Barley, among others. From proper care and respect for cask ale, to what bars need to do to adapt to a brewery taproom dominated market, to why commitment is more than just talking the talk.
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This episode brought to you by the American Homebrewers Association, a community of more than 45,000 beer and brewing enthusiasts worldwide. The AHA publishes Zymurgy magazine, hosts the National Homebrew Competition and Homebrew Con, and equips members with brewing tips, proven recipes and money saving deals on beer, food and brewing supplies. Founded in 1978, the AHA remains true to founder Charlie Papazian’s timeless advice: “Relax, don’t worry, have a homebrew.” Celebrate beer and homebrewing with the AHA at