Subscriber Exclusive

Recipe: Fifth Street Rough Gem with Cacao Pulp

From Fifth Street Brewpub in Dayton, Ohio, this farmhouse ale gets a dose of cacao pulp at packaging, showcasing the fruit’s sweetness and tropical character while amplifying similar notes from the strain of Brettanomyces.

Jon Naghski Feb 24, 2025 - 4 min read

Recipe: Fifth Street Rough Gem with Cacao Pulp Primary Image

Photo: Courtesy Fifth Street Brewpub

All Access Subscribers can download the Beersmith and BeerXML version of this recipe. Subscribe today.

“This is a riff on one of our classic drafts,” says Jon Naghski, head brewer and general manager at Fifth Street. “We played around with the addition of cacao pulp throughout several iterations, all starting with the same base beer.”

For much more about brewing with cacao fruit, see Pulp Nonfiction.


Batch size: 5 gallons (19 liters)
Brewhouse efficiency: 72%
OG: 1.040 (10°P)
FG: 1.002 (0.5°P)
IBUs: 9
ABV: 5%

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Jon Naghski is head brewer and general manager at Fifth Street Brewpub in Dayton, Ohio.