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Recipe: Halfway Crooks Pintje Pils

“Pintje is an homage to the type of pilsners brewed in Belgium,” says Joran Van Ginderachter, the Belgian-born cofounder of Halfway Crooks Beer in Atlanta.

Joran Van Ginderachter Sep 10, 2022 - 4 min read

Recipe: Halfway Crooks Pintje Pils Primary Image

Photo: Matt Graves

All Access Subscribers can download the Beersmith and BeerXML version of this recipe. Subscribe today.

Pintje is the diminutive for ‘pint,’” Van Ginderachter says. “It is also close to the same word for ‘pinky,’ so we use our pinkies as a symbol to order the beer. Beer is ordered by showing how many beers we want using our fingers, followed by shaking our pinky. It is not rude to flag down a server in this manner—it is in fact, encouraged.”

The Halfway Crooks take is more hop-forward than typical Belgian pils, reveling in German hops and embracing ample yet smooth bitterness. For much more about Belgium’s own lager tradition, see The Everyday Pintje: Searching for Belgian Pils.


Batch size: 5 gallons (19 liters)
Brewhouse efficiency: 72%
OG: 1.048
FG: 1.008
IBUs: 44
ABV: 5.2%

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