Style: Pilsner

ABV: 5.0 IBU: 25.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 20
Mouthfeel: 4

Alma Mader Brewing Parlez

What the brewers say

“French-style pilsner showcases floral, dried citrus, and honey-like characteristics.”

What our panel thought

“Grainy toasted malt with a dry corn-like back. Graceful herbal aromatics with an overlay of white bready malt. Noble hop flavor with a touch of pleasant sulfur and a hint of stone fruit. Malt is subdued and well-aligned with a gentle hop character. Pleasant drinkability.”

What our editors thought

“Elegant floral nose with a taut leanness from the hit of sulfur. In the sip, a prominent herbal bitterness comes in heavy with the lighter malt.”

Review printed in: Cold Comforts: Unique Insights From Lager Brewers (June-July 2022) (View All Issues)



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