Style: Stout (Barrel-aged, Flavored)

ABV: 13.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 19
Mouthfeel: 5

American Solera Chameleon Bites

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What the brewers say

“Aged in rhum barrels with coconut, almonds, vanilla, marshmallow.”

What our panel thought

“Deep, rich aroma of chocolate, coffee, brown bread, vanilla, marzipan. Rich chocolate cake and brownie edges throughout. Just bitter enough.”

What our editors thought

“Intensely sweet aroma with heavy marshmallow, a nutty toasted mid-note, significant fresh coconut. Sweet in the sip, as those vanilla notes amplify the strong caramel and coconut. Resolves with smooth espresso-like roast bitterness.”

Review printed in: The Malt Is the Message (Spring 2024) (View All Issues)



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