Style: Pilsner

ABV: 5.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 5

American Solera Solero

What the brewers say

“Golden pilsner.”

What our panel thought

“Golden in color, brilliantly clear except a floating (hop?) haze. Notably puffy white head lingers. Mild citrus, light melon, and kiwi hops on the nose. Well-integrated, firm hop bitterness and flavor. Blueberry hop emerges as the bitterness fades, complements the grainy, doughy pils malt. Cracker-like crispness with a clean, off-dry finish.”

What our editors thought

“Fragrant white flower with very light sulfur notes in the nose, familiar and endearing. A dry but hefty malt note plays against very light bitterness.”

Review printed in: Cold Comforts: Unique Insights From Lager Brewers (June-July 2022) (View All Issues)



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