Style: Stout (Imperial)

ABV: 8.7

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 17
Mouthfeel: 4

Baere Brewing Company Chocolate Black RyeDay

What the brewers say

“An ode to the almighty pumpernickel bread.”

What our panel thought

“Heavy roast and huge dark malt component in the aroma and flavor. Pleasant mouthfeel with a semisweet chocolate finish. Cigar butts and coffee, burnt caramel, pine hops, ash. In your face and ragged, like a stout equivalent of the 100-IBU IPAs of the early ’00s. Complex and interesting.”

What our editors thought

“Toast and burnt bread crust in the aroma with light herbal hops. The sip is viscous and tongue-coating with notes of chocolate orange and a slightly rough bitter chocolate finish.”

Review printed in: Beyond Barley (April-May 2022) (View All Issues)



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