Great Divide Brewing Co. Barrel-Aged Yeti
What the brewers say
“Aged for at least 12 months in whiskey barrels. The aging produces a complex but mellowed Yeti, with its signature roasted flavors, hints of vanilla and oak, and a whiskeyed finish.”
What our panel thought
Aroma: “Deep, rich, dark chocolate, almost cocoa nib. Dark cherry fruit notes. Nice and sweet and roasty. Huge dry oak aromatics. Some vanilla sweetness ties things together Roast notes are more like a French-roast coffee bean than roasted malt.”
Flavor: “Juicy, chewy, and rich. Huge dark chocolate notes dominate, but they are cut by vanilla sweetness and oak tannins to add a nice complexity. Some background coconut from the barrel but also a nice fruitiness that lends a roundness. The roast isn’t overly bitter, but still prominent.”
Overall: “Great beer! The chocolate complexity combined with everything else that is going on adds up to a great glass. So dense and heavy, light can barely escape its gravitational pull. The rare barrel-aged beer where the beer perfectly complemented the barrel. Cheers to the brewers.”