Style: Lambic, Gueuze, or Spontaneous

ABV: 6.4

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 4

Beachwood Blendery Masucot

What the brewers say

“Spontaneously fermented and aged in oak barrels with peaches and apricots.”

What our panel thought

“Inviting peach-apricot aroma with medium-low barnyard funk. Tart, with a faint underlying sweetness, blended peach and apricot. Somewhat puckering, with sustained fruit. Ripe fruit intermingles in the middle, adding interesting complexity.”

What our editors thought

“Soft stone-fruit nose with a gauzy sheen. Punchier in the flavor, with an initial acidic jab and phenolic tire peel-out, before it settles into a long, fruity, retronasal linger.”

Review printed in: Best in Beer 2024 (View All Issues)



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