Unibroue Blanche de Chambly
What the brewers say
“Blanche de Chambly is the very first ale brewed by Unibroue and as Belgian tradition dictates for white ales, it is named after the city in which it is brewed. In 1996, the Chicago Beverage Testing institute declared Blanche de Chambly ‘The World’s Best White Ale.’ Since then, it has gone on to win numerous other awards and distinctions.”
What our panel thought
Aroma: “Coriander with a hint of coconut, nice floral notes, and sweet citrus character produce a nose that fades quickly. Light wheat sweetness. The strong coriander character is sharper and less herbal than is typical.”
Flavor: “Nice level of acidity to carbonic bite. Simple flavors of slightly musty coriander and honey wheat sweetness with very little hop flavor. Finish is a bit cloying instead of crisp.”
Overall: “Not-too-sweet finish makes this an easy-drinking, refreshing wit. Body does not hold up to strong coriander flavor. The individual pieces are there, but the overall structure doesn’t seem coherent. Would make a great beurre blanc.”