Style: Pilsner (International)

ABV: 5.0 IBU: 20.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 19
Mouthfeel: 5

Burgeon Beer Company Clever Kiwi

What the brewers say

“Lightly hopped with Saphir and Nelson in the whirlpool and Nelson dry hop.”

What our panel thought

“Delicate notes of mango, fruit punch, and watermelon candy in the aroma give way to a clean, crisp tropical flavor profile that is scary drinkable. Its strength is its subtle and gentle flavor that finishes so clean you could easily miss the beauty of the simplicity.”

What our editors thought

“Diesel dank with light mango and guava around the edges of the aroma. Lemon pineapple in the sip conveys beautifully despite the dryness.”

Review printed in: Lager Lucidity (Summer 2023) (View All Issues)



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