MadTree Brewing Entropic Theory
What the brewers say
"Huge aromas of orange, peach, and apricot. ...Smooth bitterness and soft mouthfeel as it delivers tropical-fruit flavors."
What our panel thought
"Pine-tree-forest hops, orange-grapefruit punch, tropical hints, bright tomato. Flavor leans sweet; well-balanced malt accentuates juicy hops, ducking bitterness until a softly resinous, crisp, clean, dry-enough finish. Wanting the aroma to say more, but there is an addictive quality."
What our editors thought
"Bit of oaky stone fruit with a vanilla touch on the nose. Sip brings out some herbal-spicy bitterness to weigh against stone-fruit sweetness. Refined, smooth, lively, energetic."